Complete Roblox Controls Guide for Xbox, PC, iOS & Android

Here is the complete guide of Roblox controls for all the activities you can perform by understanding the button mapping on all platforms.

Roblox is the best place for those who love 3D online games, which makes it different from the rest of the titles. This online game platform offers dozens of genres for several games. Ultimately, the set of controls may vary for each genre, and you may have to struggle with the standard rules even for the basic movements.

Moreover, there are different platforms, and the button mapping makes it even more difficult to guess the set of controls. Therefore, here is a detailed guide for a complete set of Roblox controls for Xbox, PC, and mobile. We will also discuss how you can adjust Roblox controls to set them according to your gameplay style.

Roblox Controls for Windows 11/10 PC

PC is probably the most famous platform for playing Roblox with its FPS unlocker for Windows and a simple set of controls that you can follow throughout the game. The button mapping of Roblox controls is pretty similar to most PC games, such as the movement controls W, A, S, D, or Up, Down, Left, and Right arrow keys. Here is the standard control setup with button mapping for Roblox on PC.

Control KeysFunction
W or Arrow UpMove Forward
A or Arrow LeftMove Left
S or Arrow DownMove Right
D or Arrow RightMove Backward
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 (not from numpad)Change or Equip Weapons/In equipping Weapons
Left Mouse ButtonUse Tool for Combat
Right Mouse ButtonRotate the Camera angle/direction
Mouse WheelZoom In/Out
TabOpen/Close Player List
EscPause Menu
BackspaceDrop an Item
Shift KeyChange Camera from First to Third Person

Also Read: How to Drop Items in Roblox

How to Change Mouse and Camera Controls in Roblox PC

Keyboard and mouse activity simultaneously plays a role in playing Roblox. So, to customize these controls, you’ll have to become an Admin first. Some settings are permanent, and you cannot change them, but you can change the mouse or camera sensitivity by following these steps.

  1. Start any game in Roblox.
  2. Press the ‘Esc’ key and go to the ‘Settings’ tab.
  3. Click ‘Camera Sensitivity’ and adjust the bars according to your preference.
Camera Sensitivity in Roblox Controls for PC

4. Press the ‘Esc’ key to save changes and continue your gameplay.

Also Read: List of Working Admin Roblox Commands

Roblox Controls for Xbox One

Roblox is also available as a cross-platform game for the Xbox One console. Some players faced issues joining a game on Xbox One due to Error Code 103 for certain reasons. Still, the game offered an amazing online experience worldwide, and here is the list of controls with complete button mapping according to Xbox One controller layout.

Control KeysFunction
BOpen Menu
XLeave Game
YReset in Menu
LB (Left Button)Equip Tool
RB (Right Button)Remove Tool
Right TriggerUse Tool
Right Analog StickRotate Camera
Right Stick PressChange third- and first-person view
D-padForward, Backward, Left, and Right movement
StartOpen/Close Menu
SelectActivate/Deactivate Navigation Mode

Roblox Controls for Android and iOS Smartphones

Roblox Mobile brings the whole control setup virtually at your fingertips (literally). As for the setup arrangement on the screen, you’ll find the thumbstick in the lower left corner to move forward, backward, left, and right. The rest of the control setup is mapped as mentioned below.

Control KeysFunction
Up Arrow (on the bottom right of the screen)Jump
Tap Left Bottom AreaMove Around
Tap Upper Right AreaCamera Adjustment
Bottom of the ScreenInventory
Chat IconSend Message
Roblox Icon (on Top Left Corner)Settings and Profile Options
Three Dots icon (upper right corner)Players Leaderboard
Control Layout for Roblox Mobile

The layout and gameplay experience of Roblox Mobile is pretty much similar to its PC version. However, the controls are hectic, with the fingers and thumbs hovering over the display/touch screen. Therefore, you can pair the DualShock 4 with your mobile for a better gaming experience.

Connecting DualShock 4 Controller with Smartphone

  1. Press and hold the ‘PS’ button and the ‘Share’ button on your DualShock controller simultaneously.
PS5 Controller Attachment for Roblox Mobile
  • Wait until the controller flashes white light to indicate it’s ready to pair.
  • Enable the ‘Bluetooth’ on your smartphone and wait until the phone detects the controller.
  • Tap to select the DualShock Controller from the available Bluetooth device list, and that’s about it.

Roblox will automatically detect the controller and set the button mapping accordingly. The DualShock controller’s control setup will be the same as the Xbox One controller. A, B, X, and Y denote the Square, Rectangle, Circle, and Triangle on the DualShock, while the joysticks work as the movement controls like D-pad on the Xbox controller.

Final Words

The default controls of Roblox games are easier to adapt once you get the hang of things. However, it can be challenging for beginners to figure out the controller setup, not their own. We hope our guidelines were helpful enough to assist you in understanding the Roblox control setup.


What is Shift Lock in Roblox, and how does it work?

Shift locking is useful if you only want to play with the keyboard on a PC. Shift Lock restricts the camera rotation in the third-person view and makes the gameplay pretty straightforward.

How to Change the Camera Angle in Roblox Without a Mouse?

To change the camera angle without a mouse, you’ll first have to activate the Shift Lock function in Roblox. Then you can press the ‘Shift’ key from your keyboard to change the camera angle.


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