Handy Applications that Assist in Essay Writing!

Essay writing is a big staple in the academic grading system. Still, no matter how many papers one has already written, each new assignment poses a challenge.

Students don’t often have the right mindset, enough time, or proper skills to submit strong essays every time.

Fortunately, they can always count on numerous applications to help them strive for perfection. Here are the top four applications that can assist you in essay writing. Use all four of them for better results.

1. Grammarly

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You must have heard about the Grammarly editor by now. Every student should have this app or browser extension saved on their devices from the first day of college. After all, this app is more than an essay helper. It can also edit any type of text, whether those are social media posts or emails to professors. Still, its true area of expertise is academic writing, of course. The program can perfect any text, exceeding even your expectations. 

Grammarly can run several editing processes at once. Thus, it will show you all the basic errors like typos, grammar and punctuation, poor working, missed capital letters, etc. However, further, it can also work on your structure and writing style. For example, it can show how to improve clarity and wordflow and adjust the text to the academic style, making it look professional and precise.

A Grammar check won’t take you long to complete. You can even use a free version that covers all the essential checks anyway. Still, it will be a crucial step toward improving your essay grades. Editing is a tough skill to master on your own. Yet, Grammarly is a one-in-a-lifetime teacher to show you how it’s made. 

2. Freedom

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Concentration and focus are two major factors in successful writing. Yet, these are the components young people often miss. A student’s life is anything but calm and quiet. There is so much a student should think about, be aware of, and plan each day of the week. All those things interfere with one’s ability to stay focused on the task in front of them. However, writing doesn’t tolerate interactions. In fact, it’s the worst you can do to your inspiration and motivation when working on an essay. That’s where Freedom can get useful.

Freedom is a blocking app that helps students hide all the distractions on their phones and other gadgets. Thus, Freedom can block applications and websites of your choice. Once blocked, you won’t be able to access them on any device for the longevity of your blocking session. Don’t try to cheat. The app leaves no choice but to go around the drastic measures. 

It’s a highly recommended writing tool for students with attention issues. So if you get distracted easily or can’t stay offline for more than fifteen minutes, Freedom is the app for you. 

3. Hemingway Editor 

Do you want to write like Hemingway? Do you think it’s possible? Well, what if we tell you there is a way to master Hemingway’s writing style with the help of a simple app? The Hemingway Editor aims to polish students’ writing skills by giving tips and suggestions on how to correct their text. Thus, the editor will show you all the text’s weakest spots and potential solutions.

Hemingway Editor

As you know, Hemingway was keen on clear, precise, and simple writing. That’s what this software will help you achieve in your texts. This software also serves as the AI writing chatbot An editor will identify passive voice, too wordy sentences, cliches, ordinary word structures, etc. Next, it will offer examples of how you can improve here. However, for the most part, you will have to think for yourself about the improvements. After all, the program follows Hemingway’s style but can’t imitate its mind. That’s your job to learn all about it.

Still, such an app can really up your writing game and help you polish all the style imperfections with a few simple tricks. 

4. Calm

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Sometimes, we just need to gain better peace of mind to create. It’s hard to be a student as it is. They have to deal with so many tasks and assignments. Sometimes, life just can’t get too hard. Young people are also more prone to certain mental health issues, such as depression, chronic stress, anxiety, insomnia, and more. So, creating is not on the table when you’re having a hard time finding yourself under all those health issues. 

Calm can offer a solution to those problems. This application can teach people how to meditate and take better care of their mental health and inner peace. Thus, it offers various meditation sessions with numerous different teachers. It also has a wide choice of calming music that can help you relax, exercise or work. In addition, this application helps fix your routine by giving your morning and pre-bed tips.

Overall, it’s a great tool when you can’t focus on your assignments due to exhaustion or high anxiety levels. Of course, in more serious cases, young people should rather turn to professional help. Thus, they can schedule a therapy session while asking a professional essay service, “Can you write my essay for me cheap, please?” It’s better to work on your personal issues first before polishing a writing craft.

Salman Mustafa
Salman Mustafa

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