How to Charge the Nintendo Switch & Joy cons[Easily]

Today, we will provide you with multiple ways to easily charge your Nintendo Switch. We will guide you through the steps to ensure that you can charge your device without any difficulties.

Nintendo Switch LiteNintendo SwitchNintendo Switch OLED
Charging through Nintendo Switch Dock
Charging directly through the AC adapter
Nintendo Charging Adjustable Charging Stand

1. Nintendo Switch Docks

To charge your Nintendo Switch, you will need to use the AC adapter that comes with the device. To begin charging, connect the AC adapter to the Nintendo Switch dock.

Once the adapter is connected to the dock, you can then insert the console into the dock to begin charging.

When you place the console in the dock, the TV output LED on the dock (shown in the image) will briefly turn on.

However, the light on the dock is not an indicator of the charging status of the console. It is only meant to show that there is video output being sent to a TV screen.


Note: Nintendo Switch Lite can’t be charged on the dock

Read More: Top 10 Nintendo Switch Games For Kids

2. AC adapter Directly

This method is just like charging your mobile directly from the AC adapter directly. This is one of the easiest ways to charge the Nintendo Switch


You can also use the adjustable charging stand which helps you to stand and charge the Nintendo Switch at a better angle.

It has been observed that charging the Nintendo Switch directly from the AC adapter can sometimes cause overheating issues in certain Nintendo Switch models.

3. Joy-Con charging Grip

To charge your Joy-Con controllers, you can attach them to a Joy-Con charging grip and connect the grip to a Nintendo Switch dock using a USB charging cable.

The charging grip comes with a USB charging cable, so you don’t need to purchase one separately. To use the charging grip, you will also need an AC adapter, which is included with the console. The AC adapter should be connected to the Nintendo Switch dock.

Alternatively, you can also use a separate Nintendo USB AC adapter to charge the Joy-Con controllers by connecting the adapter to a USB charging cable.


4 – Charge Joy-Cons Directly

To charge your Joy-Con controllers, attach them to a Joy-Con charging grip and then connect the AC adapter that came with your Nintendo Switch console to the charging grip.


We hope that the above-mentioned methods will help you charge your Nintendo Switch console with ease.


Meet Hammad, a dynamic writer with a passion for gaming and a talent for analysis. With extensive years of experience in the gaming industry, Hammad has a unique perspective on the latest gaming trends and technologies. In addition to writing about gaming, Hammad also guides our team with marketing news and his investment analysis.

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