How To Get Discord Server Owner Crown In Easy Way?

Are you looking for Discord crown emoji?

The discord server owner crown badge makes you feel like the king of the server as you can make the rules yourself and make changes as you like.

So if you want to get your crown back and become the King and have the title of Discord server owner crown,

then continue reading the guide.

What does the Crown mean On Discord?

The Discord Crown Badge icon displayed next to your name signifies that you are the owner and creator of the server. When you create a new server, you will automatically be designated as the owner and have a golden crown icon displayed next to your name. This symbolizes that you have a leadership role on the server.

The crown icon comes with certain responsibilities, such as being a point of contact for other members and making decisions that impact the server. It also serves as a way for other members to easily identify the person in charge of the server.

Why does Discord owner crown disappear?

The Discord owner crown symbol disappears when the owner sorts his roles on the server.

Video Guide: Discord Server Owner Crown

How to Get Server Owner Crown Discord?

It appears that your crown badge may have disappeared from your name. Don’t worry, there are ways to get it displayed again just by changing roles.

How to give admin on Discord?

Here’s how:

  1. Launch Discord.
  2. Right-click on the server and click Server Settings > Roles.How to Add Roles in Discord
  3. In the role tab, you will see the roles created by you.
  4. After clicking on every role look for Role Settings.
  5. Now toggle OFF Display role members separately from online members.display
  6. Now click on every role one by one and check if this setting is OFF.
  7. Now press Ctrl + R and relaunch Discord to get your Discord server owner crown badge back.

Also Read: Discord Stuck On Connecting

How to Remove Crown Discord?

You can create a role for the admin to remove crown Discord.

Here’s how you can add/make roles:

  1. Launch Discord.
  2. Right-click on the server and click Server Settings > Roles.How to Add Roles in Discord
  3. In the role tab, you will see @everyone.
  4. Click the + sign on top to add a new role.
    create-role-discord discord server crown
  5. You can name the role you want and assign a color to it.
  6. Go down to Role Settings toggle ON Display role members separately from online members.
  7. By toggling on/off you can assign permission to a role according to yourself.permissions
  8. Select Save Changes and you will be able to add roles in Discord.
  9. Press CTRL + R and after refreshing Discord, you will see that the crown icon will not be shown on the server owner’s name.
  10. You can repeat the same steps to add more roles.

You can assign higher roles to old and trustworthy members and lower roles to newcomers.

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How to Hide Discord Server Owner Crown?

You have the option to conceal your server owner crown on Discord by adding yourself to a specific role, allowing you to blend in with other members and not be identified as the owner. Alternatively, you can also choose to display the crown badge as usual

Here’s how:

  1. Launch Discord.
  2. Right-click on the server and click Server Settings > Overview
    server settings
  3. Click on Members under User Management.
  4. Search your name and click on the 3 dots.
    3 dots
  5. Click on Role and then select the new role to add yourself that you just created.
  6. Press CTRL + R and after refreshing Discord, your discord server crown will be hidden.

What If There Is No Owner of a Discord Server?

On Discord, every server has a designated owner, whether it be a person or a bot. However, there is a possibility that a server may become ownerless if the owner decides to delete their account without transferring ownership to someone else. During this time, the server can still be used by its members, but if they do not take action, the server may eventually be deleted or disabled. In this situation, the best course of action is to reach out to the Discord Support team and request their assistance in resolving the issue of ownership for the server.”

I hope you get to know how to get Discord server crown and if you got any questions just let us know in the comments section below.


Can you transfer ownership to a bot?

No, you can’t transfer ownership to a bot in Discord. You can just add a bot to the server.

Will I still be a member of my server after transferring?

Yes. You will remain a member of the server after transferring. However, your access may vary depending on your role’s permissions.

Can you transfer ownership to more than one person?

No. You cannot transfer server ownership to more than one person in Discord.


Zul is an avid gamer with a passion for RPG and racing games. He enjoys playing games like Need for Speed and Grand Theft Auto 5 and is also skilled at fixing errors and crashes to enhance the gaming experience. Zul stays up-to-date with the latest gaming news and enjoys sharing his knowledge through writing gaming guides and articles.
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