How to Get Skins in Valorant? (Complete Guide)

Want to know how to get Skins in Valorant?


Are you unable to get amazing weapons Skins in Valorant?

Don’t worry about it!

The CPU Guide brings you the best working guide of how to get Skins in Valorant.

Valorant is a hero shooter game developed by the Riot games for Microsoft Windows. This game allows the user to experience the modern version of the counter strike. Valorant right now is very popular in teen to adult ages.

Every hero/character in the game has unique abilities which help the player to defend and create distractions on front assault and this will lead you to win the game. The ranking system provided by Riot Games in Valorant helps you to analyze your performance and compare your gaming skills with your gaming buddies.

Valorant did not allow users to customize the agent in any aspect but you can customize your weapons by applying different skins to them. You can find weapons skins in the crate you will have after winning the game or when your tier will go or when the new agent is unlocked.

Some of the premium skins are available in the store which can be bought by spending VP (Valorant Points). VP is a Valorant currency that can be bought by spending some real money in-game in exchange you will VP.

Want to know more about weapons Skins in Valorant?

Then it’s time to answer some highly asked questions about Valorant weapons skins.

Video Guide: How to Get Skins in Valorant?

What are the Best Ways to have Skins in Valorant?

Skins in Valorant can be acquired in multiple ways. You can acquire any of the Skins in Valorant by spending Valorant Points (VP). The best way to earn VP points in Valorant is by playing smartly and aiming for more XP in every match.

So, follow the below methods to acquire your desired Skins in Valorant:

Method 1: Finish Agents Contracts

Every Agent in Valorant has its own specific contracts. Complete these contracts and earn eXperience Points XP more you get more rewards you will earn on each level. When you reach level 10 now you can have the most rewarding Skins and other rewards become available.

Method 2: Battle Pass

In Valorant the battle pass comes with two tracks. One is a free track where you can have some rewards which include some skins but this track contains very few rewards and you have to earn more XP to earn every reward.

Meanwhile, the other track is the premium battle pass track here you can earn all of the rewards available in the battle pass.

How to Buy Skins in Valorant?

To buy skins in Valorant you have to follow the instruction mentioned down below:

  1. Launch Valorant
  2. On the homepage of the game select “Store” from the top bar
  3. Store will open
  4. Now you can see some of the featured Skins or some offersSkins in Valorant,valorant new skins,valorant weapon skin,
  5. Here you can save some money so, click on the banner and find your desired skins
  6. The bundle is preferred but if you have less VP then you can go for individual skinSkins in Valorant,valorant new skins,valorant weapon skin,
  7. After that click on the amount button
  8. CONFIRM PURCHASE prompt command will openSkins in Valorant,valorant new skins,valorant weapon skin,
  9. If you already have VP then click on the “Left Side Button
  10. If not then click on the “Purchase” button
  11. Then you direct to the select Valorant Points window
  12. Here you can see a variety of different Valorant pointsSkins in Valorant,valorant new skins,valorant weapon skin,
  13. Select the Valorant Point package which is appropriate for you
  14. Details window will open and now enter the card informationSkins in Valorant,valorant new skins,valorant weapon skin,
  15. Now click on the Pay button.

Now you have purchased the skin successfully.

Which payment methods does Valorant accept?

Valorant accepts credit cards, PayPal, skrill, and gift cards from PC players.

What is the fastest way to get XP in Valorant? Get XP Fast in Valorant?

You can Get XP Fast in Valorant by completing your daily and weekly missions. Daily and weekly missions are easy to play and give you more XPs than a normal match and you play in the Valorant. Daily you will receive two new missions that will appear in your log. After completing these missions you will earn up to 2000 XP. These missions take only 40 to 50 minutes to complete and you can get 2x more XP in one go.

Valorant gives three weekly missions available every week. These weekly missions will not be available next week so you better complete these levels as soon as possible. For these weekly missions, you can earn up to 21000 XP approx.

When you complete all three missions in the week then-new three missions will pop up and the cycle goes on and you have more time to complete these missions and will Get XP Fast in Valorant.

Hope all of the above answers help you to How to Get Skins in Valorant.

Share your experience in the comments section down below.


Meet Hammad, a dynamic writer with a passion for gaming and a talent for analysis. With extensive years of experience in the gaming industry, Hammad has a unique perspective on the latest gaming trends and technologies. In addition to writing about gaming, Hammad also guides our team with marketing news and his investment analysis.

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