How to Leave the Game in Valorant?


Got something to do suddenly and you how to leave the Game in Valorant?


You are wanting to leave the match without getting a penalty? Don't worry about It!

Can you rejoin a game in Valorant?

Green Star

Yes, If your PC shuts down or you exit the match accidentally and   when you try to log back in if the match is active then you will direct back to the match. If you log back in after the match is completed then you might face some plenties. 

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 The Riot Anti Cheat Vanguard will deduct and  you will be punished for leaving your team in the middle of the game and making your team lose. 

What happens if you abandon a match in Valorant?

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When you abandon a match in Valorant you might face penalties imposed by the Valorant anti-cheat system.  The minimum plenty you face of the ban of playing Valorant for 30 mins and it can be extended to 7-14 days.


How to Leave the Game in Valorant

Green Star

There are two ways to leave the game in Valorant:

Leave the Match

You can leave the match by following the upcoming steps:

1. Open Valorant

2. Then select any game which u like

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3. Once your match is started

4. Press ESC

5. Window will open

6. Select the gear icon on the top right corner

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7. A small options menu will pop up 

8. Select the LEAVE MATCH button

FOR Second Way 

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