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With iOS 16, Apple dropped a nifty little feature for its fanatic users that will tickle their fingertips every time they type a character. It’s called a haptic keyboard.

Earlier the haptics was confined to other gestures like a typo, pressing and holding your screen to reveal content options, but it was not all alone for the keyboard. Therefore, this new Apple iOS 16 upgrade is a good interaction that makes you connected to your iPhone

How to turn on Keyboard Haptics in iOS 16 and produce a sensory touch?

1. On your phone, navigate to Setting 

2. Scroll down until you see “Sounds & Haptics

3. Swipe down and select “Keyboard Feedback

4. Tap the toggle to enable “Haptic

You’ve learned how to turn on haptic typing in iOS 16. Now, you can use your iPhone and enjoy the typing experience without annoying anyone sitting next to you

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